The word of the day is designed to broaden our grammatical horizons. Nothing is more impressive than casually spouting off 5-syllable masterpieces in mid-sentence – except maybe really big boobs… Anyway, every day I’ll post a new word for you to work into daily conversation so that you can wow friends, dazzle coworkers and confuse blonde girls and frat guys, because learning is fun and knowing is half the battle.

February 03, 2005


Plat'i-tude": n. "A trite, obvious remark."

Next time one of your friends (or CBS college basketball analyst Clark Kellogg) points out somthing ridiculously obvious, say this: "Hey, nice observation, jackass. I believe the geographic coordinates of your statement can be found @ 37 degrees north PLATITUDE."

Never mind, that would take too long and nobody would even understand what you were talking about. Just go ahead and punch them in the throat.

Beat it