The word of the day is designed to broaden our grammatical horizons. Nothing is more impressive than casually spouting off 5-syllable masterpieces in mid-sentence – except maybe really big boobs… Anyway, every day I’ll post a new word for you to work into daily conversation so that you can wow friends, dazzle coworkers and confuse blonde girls and frat guys, because learning is fun and knowing is half the battle.

February 18, 2005


Es'cu-lent: adj. "Fit to be used for food; edible."

I don't know if it's true, but I've heard a lot of stories about how Koreans find dog to be quite esculent. Huh? I like hot dogs. Also, my dog is named Reese. Reese Cups are good, but I don't think I'd ever eat my dog. That's weird.

Beat it